Celebrating International Women's Day
We interviewed four incredible women and got all the details on which females inspire them, how they use their divine female energy day-to-day, and what kind of legacy they want to leave. Giving a voice to our stories and lifting each other up is the best way to harness femininity in its highest power.
Read on to hear how these fabulous females are getting it done!
Kelly Doran works at a local radio station and co-hosts The Ink & Note Podcast for 'music nerds and art freaks'.
You can find her on Instagram at @_kellywuzhere_ and access her latest podcast episode here.

Lovely Sugaring (LS): Kelly, how do you practice self-love, and what advice would you give to a friend who might struggle doing that for themselves?
Kelly: I practice self-love by taking a step back when I need to – knowing when to step on the brakes is key. If I have too much on my plate with work or if a family member is asking me for a favour, I politely decline and say that I can’t take on another task at that time. If I’m sad or I had a bad day, I sit down and focus on my breathing. The bad day will pass. I think to myself “what does KELLY need right now?” It could be something as simple as a glass of cold water. Ask yourself what you need. Listen to your body.
LS: Tuning into our bodies is so key! How do you use your divine female energy in your life?
Kelly: I believe in equality. Across the board. I won’t tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia or transphobia. I use my divine energy to show up as my most authentic self; whether I’m as cool as a cucumber that day or completely scatterbrained. I accept my state of being and work with it. I aim to spread joy and kindness, everyday.
I do my best to let the people in my life know that no matter what struggles or hardships they are going through, they are not alone. We all deserve a seat at the table and speaking from my experience as a recovering alcoholic, we all deserve a chance to redeem ourselves.
Kelly: I want people to see me as a person that was consistently kind. Not a pushover – but a person who did kind things for others because they genuinely want to. I want to inspire others to be the best version of themselves. I want those with addiction and mental health issues to know that it does get better. Use your resources, ask for help, give yourself a fighting chance.
Shaka Lee empowers women through teaching dance. She runs classes, workshops and private lessons that move our bodies in ways that unleash the inner sensuality and femininity inside us.
Check out her latest at @dancewithshakalee

LS: Hi Shaka! When it comes to self-love, how do you practice it and what advice would you give to a friend who might struggle doing that for themselves?
Shaka: I would remind you that YOU are the highest priority in your life, and you should make sure that you fill your cup before you pour into others. It will leave you so refreshed. Take the time to do your skincare routine in peace. Take an extra-long shower. Go for solo walks around your neighbourhood. Blast the music really loud and dance around. Get dressed up, just for yourself. These are all things that I do at least once a day for myself.
LS: Amazing, those are such good self-love routines. Can you share how you use your divine female energy in your life?
Shaka: Divine feminine energy is in many aspects of my life. I dance in a way that allows me to connect with my divine femininity and I teach others to connect to their divine femininity through dance as well. This is my biggest passion in life. I am always allowing my intuition to guide me throughout my day. I’m in touch with my emotions and never leave anything pent up.
Olenka Bak is a sugaring technician at Lovely Sugaring and a singer, songwriter and performer.
Her newest song has over 10K hits on YouTube, and counting!

LS: How do you practice self-love, and what advice would you give to a friend who might struggle doing that for themselves?
Olenka: Taking time for myself, drinking my coffee in the morning and centering my mind. Don’t rush to love yourself, take your time and appreciate every part that your body has to offer you. Thank your body for how it serves you and make the best out of every day, taking one day at a time.
LS: Such a beautiful message, thanks Olenka. What legacy would you like to leave behind?
Olenka: I always stood my ground but with a beautiful soul. I’ve been determined and spread good energy.
Cassidy Tsang is an art educator. She helps families foster connection by harnessing the power of creative art projects.
See more at cassidytsang.com and follow her journey at @the.thankful.family on Instagram.

LS: Cassidy, can you share how you practice self-love, and what advice you give to a friend who might struggle doing that for themselves?
Cassidy: To me, self love is loving yourself like you would love your child. That means accepting who I am, talking to myself when I go through emotions and forgiving myself when I did something I’m not proud of. My one and only advice is to practice being silent and listen to what yourself is trying to tell you and then start to build a relationship with yourself…again just like taking care of your baby. When you have a hard time valuing yourself, put your hands on your heart and feel your heartbeat. You’re given a life today. You are worthy just by being you 
LS: Such great advice, thank you. What legacy would you like to leave for others?
Cassidy: This is the legacy I am learning to embody for my children (my own kid, future kids and students) – you are unique, beautiful and powerful. Daydream often. You are the artist of your life. Have fun painting the picture of your wildest dreams and don’t let anyone tell you you can’t. You can!!